When you first start Hyperview, the Table of Contents is displayed in the index pane. This is a top level overview of all the resources built into your project. From the Table of Contents, you can navigate to any document, CAD/CLD diagram, graphic, or other resource in your system. You also have access to the tag and trend databases, many different indexes that DBDOC generates, and various reports and summaries that DBDOC generates as it is building your project. For more information on using the Table of Contents, see About panes in Hyperview.
The documents built into your DBDOC project are organized into 'chapters', generally corresponding to folders where documents were located during the build. These chapters are grouped into 'sections', which are visible in the top level Table of Contents.
Note: Before DBDOC 11.1, sections did not exist, and the contents of chapters were displayed in a flat manner directly in the Table of Contents. The hierarachy added in DBDOC 11.1 affects the classic view of the table of content, but has little effect on the Treeview table of contents, which was already hierarchical.
The exact sections of the Table of Contents are determined when you build your project. The first four sections: Databases, System Information, Graphics, and Configuration are always the same. The final section is Other Documentation unless you have more than N chapters (default is 6) of a single type, e.g. AutoCAD, or PDF, in which case an additional section containing the chapters of that particular type will be added.
Every project has a Databases section in the table of contents, where there are links to a system wide summary of tag usage, the tag databases, the trend databases, and the console configuration information.
System Information contains a number of indexes and reports giving general information about your system, such as PCU Interactions Report, Function Code Index, Index of Undefined Tags and Index of Unconfigured Graphics, and others. It also contains documentation and indexing for the function codes in your system.
Graphics chapters are found in the Graphics section of the Table of Contents. Generally a project has only one graphics chapter, but there may be situations where more are present. Symbol chapters are also found in this section.
The Configuration section contains chapters and indexs of configuration related files. Principal among these are CAD/CLD diagrams, listed in the Module Index (click on Loop N to get to a Loop Index], choose PCU and then Module to see the Module Index).
Chapters of other configuration files, such as Ladder Logic Files, Batch, AB/RTU, GPB, HGS, and GPI files are also listed in this section.
The last section is a catch-all for documentation built into your project that does not fit into the above caegories. If you have more than N chapters (default is 6) of a single type, e.g. AutoCAD, or PDF, an additional section containing the chapters of that particular type will be added.
This section may contain chapters of AutoCAD, PDF, MicroStation, text, PDF documentation, depending on what you have linked into your build.
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