It can be much easier to diagnose a problem with a CIUMon service if you set it up to interact with the desktop.
Other things that may be useful when troubleshooting are stopping the service or preventing it from starting on reboot.
The Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error usually indicates that you did not have administrator rights when you created the service. When installing CIUMon or creating a CIUMon service, you need to be logged on to the computer as an administrator with network access privileges. To eliminate the error:
A Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error may also appear if you have an old version of CIUMon on your computer, and you install a newer version to a different directory. To eliminate the error, uninstall and then reinstall CIUMon. After reinstalling CIUMon, you will need to set up CIUMon to connect to your CIU.
If you connect to RoviSys Turbo using virtual ports, you may encounter a problem where you can get data when you run CIUMon manually, but not when you are running CIUMon automatically (as a service). This can occur if the CIUMon service does not have the privileges that it needs to communicate with the computer that is running RoviSys Turbo.
This problem normally does not occur if CIUMon and RoviSys Turbo are both running on the same computer. So, if you can run both programs on the same computer, this could eliminate the issue.
Alternatively, you can either by provide the CIUMon service with more privileges, or change the permissions needed on the computer running RoviSys Turbo.
To eliminate this issue by changing the CIUMon service:
To eliminate this issue by changing the permissions needed on the computer running RoviSys Turbo:
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