Spec | Description |
S1 | Batch I/O block |
S2 | Loop 1 manual/auto station |
S3 | Loop 2 manual/auto station |
S4 | Output 1 device driver CO status |
S5 | Output 2 device driver CO status |
S6 | Auxiliary input 1 |
S7 | Auxiliary input 2 |
S8 | External alarm 1 |
S9 | External alarm 2 |
S10 | First ASCII string descriptor |
S11 | Current step number |
S12 | CBC station link address |
S13 | Run/hold signal |
S14 | Manual override lockout |
S15 | Default mode of outputs |
S16 | Executed stop (E-STOP) lockout |
S17 |
S18 | Last step number |
S19 | Spare integer |
S20 | Spare real |
S21 | Spare real |
Block | Type | Description |
N | Bit | Hold/initialize |
N+1 | Real | Initial step number |
N+2 | Real | Recipe number |
N+3 | Bit | Value of F1 key |
N+4 | Bit | Value of F2 key |
N+5 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 1 |
N+6 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 2 |
N+7 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 3 |
N+8 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 4 |
N+9 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 5 |
N+10 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 6 |
N+11 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 7 |
N+12 | Bit | Auxiliary switch 8 |
N+13 | Bit | ALARM ACK key indicator |
N+14 | Bit | Alarm status |
N+15 | Real | Reserved |
N+16 | Real | Reserved |
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