No source: Verify: Module 1,01,02 Block 1001 used - module built
A block appears with this message if it appears not to have a source, and is only in a Verify file. This means that the verification resulted in the block being eliminated.
Note that if the verify file has not been resolved, and you get this message, it means the block does exist.
We build verify files into DBDOC to make it easier for you to do the verifications as the links to the blocks are very useful. However, sometimes the DBDOC build happened after the corrections were made, which means that all the offending blocks have been fixed. If this is the case then the message can be ignored.
In particular, if a block is only mentioned in a verify file, and the block is not in the CLD/CAD sheets (the only way to get this message) it means that the verification resulted in the block being eliminated. Note that if the verify file has not been resolved, and you get this message, it simply tells you what you already know - the block does exist.
This message shows a cosmetic issue that is probably not an error. It may be used to make the system tidier.
Please contact us for help resolving your error messages.
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