Note: This is no longer necessary with DBDOC 11.5+, which instead reads the tag database from .AFW backup files.
For Version 6 on, the ABB Harmony Tag Export tool is no longer available. Here is a set of instructions that we have been given:
You can export the MDB file from any 800xA client or server in the 6.0 version or up. You open “Engineering Workplace” select “Control Structure”.If you have only "root" as the site application name, you have to go to the Harmony Network or Networks to get to the connectivity server or servers. If you have the site application name, that is what you work with.
Single-click on the site application name or on a connectivity server and the upper right panel will populate. Select “Uploader”, then click on the export tab in the lower panel and give it a save location and execute. If there is more than one connectivity server, repeat the process.
Make sure to choose to export as a .MDB file; DBDOC does not currently support .ACCDB files. If you are unable to export as .MDB or there is something else that goes wrong or is unclear, please contact GMCL.
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