On the Search Menu, click Full Text Search (shortcut Ctrl+F), or click the button on the toolbar.
The Full Text Search menu item searches for an arbitrary word or phrase. DBDOC's search mechanism makes it possible to quickly locate information in the DBDOC title, even if it hasn't been indexed.
When you search for a word or phrase, all documents containing the word or phrase are listed in a Search Results dialog box (see Viewing search results). Within each document, all occurrences of the word or phrase are highlighted to stand out. If you like, you can change the search hit color. Use the Next Highlight button and the Previous Highlight button on the tool bar to step through all of the search hits in any document. If no search hits are found, you will see a dialog box similar to the following:
This will appear to let you know that Hyperview was not able to get any hits that matched your search criteria. If you do not wish to see this dialog box each time then check the Don't show me this again option before clicking OK to dismiss the dialog. To reset this option so that the message appears again you can go to the View tab of the Options Menu and check the Reset to show all suppressed dialogs option.
You may insert the operators OR, AND, or NOT between the words you want to search for, and you may use parentheses to group words in your search phrase.
Note that words in square brackets, for example, [search term], represent the search term exactly as you should type it.
Note also that operators are only interpreted if Match each search term is the selected search mode. Otherwise the operator will just be treated as regular text.
Parentheses can be used to group terms together much in the same way as parentheses are used in logical expressions.
(A OR B) AND (C OR D) will search for documents containing either A or B and either C or D.
You may include the wild cards * and ? in any word, in both Match exact phrase and Match each search term modes. * matches zero or more alpha-numeric or underscore characters. ? matches a single alpha-numeric or underscore character. Note that these wildcards do not match spaces. There is no restriction on the placement of wildcard characters in a word: they may appear initially, medially and/or finally unless there are quotations. Here are some examples of wildcard usage:
Note: A search term with a wildcard as the first character will take much longer than if no wildcards are present or if wildcards are present in other positions.
Non-Alphanumeric Characters
When searching, Hyperview currently treats the following characters as if they were regular alphanumeric characters: + - / @ _ %. So you can search for [@] or [@AB] or [A/B] and will find those exact strings if they exist.
The characters : ; . , & (and others not specified) are treated as whitespace in a text search. So if you search for [A&B], you may find "A, B" as a search result.
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